
1. Free counselling

An expert counsellors of Medischools counsel in detail about courses,countries,its fees without any charge.Counselling is carried by two modes:

1 - Online | 2 - Offline

2. Admission

We assist students/applicants about application procedure.Students themselves directly applying to desired university/institute from their own medischools 'my account'.

Medischools helps to fasten the the application process and getting admission letter as early as possible from university/institute.

3. Visa Application Preparation

We assist students/applicants about application procedure.Students themselves directly applying to desired university/institute from their own medischools 'my account'.

Medischools helps to fasten the the application process and getting admission letter as early as possible from university/institute.

4. Pre-departure get together and Training

Medischools offers you Online/Offline Pre-departure Training for free to train you .Pre departure get together is carried in order to know students each other closely

  • How to prepare your luggage and make a travel plan; We make the group of students and taking them in group to respective country.
  • How to reply to the immigration officer and custom officer when you enter abroad to avoid unnecessary problem
  • What is the legal procedure when you reach there; And Campus; What must you do immediately.

5. Accommodation arrangement

  • Although dorm on campus of each university is always limited, MEDISCHOOLS will arrange it if you need it.
  • MEDISCHOOLS will help you “rent an apartment” in a safe district near your campus if you need it.
  • MEDISCHOOLS also help you to check and sign the Apartment Renting Agreement between you and your Landlord to avoid any renting problems in the future, and make sure all the items will be right within the define of the Law of Chinese Central Government & Local Government, and also the regulation of Universities and Police Station.

6. Airport Pick-up

MEDISCHOOLS staff will pick you up at any time, even at mid-night ,and then send airport pick-up pictures immediately to your parents in your home-country via email or short message on the very minute of your’ safe arrival there.

7. Registration on Campus

  • MEDISCHOOLS Student Service Team Member will bring you to the regarding offices to do the Registration according to each university’s registration procedure.
  • MEDISCHOOLS will also make sure your registration will be accepted by university, and there will not be any troubles.

8. Police Registration & Resident Permit

MEDISCHOOLS makes sure that each student will complete Police Registration within the time duration defined by the law and also get the legal Resident Permit to study in there every year during your study.

9. Medical Check in

In some countries this is compulsory and requested by respective Immigration and Police Station for Resident Permit. MEDISCHOOLS help you do it at the right time to avoid unnecessary penalties.

10. Insurance

This is compulsory and requested by respective country. MEDISCHOOLS make sure that you’ll get the right type of insurance and the insurance company that you’ve chosen can really help when the regarding issues (like car and health issue) arise.

11. New Students Orientation Week

For the first week, MEDISCHOOLS arrange specific MEDISCHOOLS Student Service Team Member to take care of you whole week, 24/7. You will be assisted in shopping, banking, booking tickets and hotel, linking with all professional Departments, finding religious venues, etc. MEDISCHOOLS Student Service Team Members are full of experience to handle any emergent issue for you.

12. Long-term Parents-style Care

MEDISCHOOLS offer to Students a four to six years 24 hours parents -style care for any urgent issue or accident of MEDISCHOOLS Students.